Saving Objects

Guide on how to save model instances using BlazingAPI ORM.

In BlazingAPI, saving a model instance involves creating an instance of the model, setting its attributes, and calling the save method. This process ensures that the instance is persisted in the database.

Quick Example

Let's go through an example of saving instances of two models: Book and Article.

from blazingapi.orm.models import Model
from blazingapi.orm.fields import VarCharField, TextField, ForeignKeyField

class Book(Model):
    title = VarCharField(max_length=255)

class Article(Model):
    title = VarCharField(max_length=255)
    content = TextField()
    book = ForeignKeyField(Book)

book = Book(title="The Great Gatsby")
article = Article(title="Chapter 1", content="In my younger and more vulnerable years...", book=book)

# Save the book and article instances

By calling, BlazingAPI will automatically detect book is not saved yet and save it before saving the article instance.

Optionally, you can save the book instance separately before saving the article.