Reverse Relations

Guide to using the `related_name` attribute to access reverse relations in BlazingAPI.

The related_name attribute in ForeignKeyField and OneToOneField allows you to define and access reverse relationships between models. This is useful for querying related objects from the referenced model.


When you define a foreign key in a model using ForeignKeyField or OneToOneField, you can specify a related_name attribute. This attribute sets up a reverse relationship, enabling you to easily access related objects from the referenced model.

Quick Example

Here is a quick example demonstrating how to use related_name to access reverse relationships.

from blazingapi.orm.models import Model
from blazingapi.orm.fields import VarCharField, ForeignKeyField

class Author(Model):
    name = VarCharField(max_length=256)

class Book(Model):
    title = VarCharField(max_length=256)
    author = ForeignKeyField(Author, related_name='books')

# Retrieve some author
author = Author.manager.get(id=1)

# Access all books by the author
books = author.books.all()

for book in books:

Behind the scenes, BlazingAPI is executing the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM book WHERE author = 1;

More Complex Example

Here is a more complex example demonstrating how to use related_name to access reverse relationships.

from blazingapi.orm.models import Model
from blazingapi.orm.fields import VarCharField, ForeignKeyField
from blazingapi.orm.query import Q

class Author(Model):
    name = VarCharField(max_length=256)

class Book(Model):
    title = VarCharField(max_length=256)
    author = ForeignKeyField(Author, related_name='books')

author = Author.manager.get(id=1)

books = author.books.filter(Q(title='The Great Gatsby') | Q(title='Slaughterhouse-Five'))

for book in books:

Behind the scenes, BlazingAPI is executing the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM book WHERE author = 1 AND (title = 'The Great Gatsby' OR title = 'Slaughterhouse-Five');

One-to-One Relationships

You can also use related_name with OneToOneField to access reverse relationships.

from blazingapi.orm.models import Model
from blazingapi.orm.fields import VarCharField, OneToOneField

class Author(Model):
    name = VarCharField(max_length=256)

class Profile(Model):
    author = OneToOneField(Author, related_name='profile')
    bio = VarCharField(max_length=1024)

author = Author.manager.get(id=1)

profile = author.profile


Behind the scenes, BlazingAPI is executing the following SQL query:

SELECT * FROM profile WHERE author = 1;

Since OneToOneField enforces a one-to-one relationship, BlazingAPI returns the related object directly.