Understanding built-in User

Detailed documentation of the built-in User class for your web API.

The User class is an ORM model that manages user-related data for your web API. Below, you'll find a detailed explanation of its attributes and methods.

Class definition

import secrets
import bcrypt

from blazingapi.orm.fields import VarCharField
from blazingapi.orm.models import Model

class User(Model):
    _table = 'users'
    serializable_fields = ['id', 'username', 'email', 'token']

    username = VarCharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    email = VarCharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    password_hash = VarCharField(max_length=60)
    token = VarCharField(max_length=100, unique=True, nullable=True)

    def is_authenticated(self):
        return True if self.id else False

    def set_password(self, password: str):
        self.password_hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), bcrypt.gensalt()).decode('utf-8')

    def check_password(self, password: str) -> bool:
        return bcrypt.checkpw(password.encode('utf-8'), self.password_hash.encode('utf-8'))

    def generate_token(self, length=32):
        return secrets.token_urlsafe(length)

    def save(self):
        if not self.token:
            self.token = self.generate_token()



  • Type: str
  • Description: Specifies the name of the database table. For the User class, it is set to users.


  • Type: list
  • Description: A list of fields that can be serialized (converted to a JSON-compatible format). For User, these are ['id', 'username', 'email', 'token'].


  • Type: VarCharField
  • Attributes: max_length=100, unique=True
  • Description: Stores the username. It must be unique.


  • Type: VarCharField
  • Attributes: max_length=100, unique=True
  • Description: Stores the user's email. It must be unique.


  • Type: VarCharField
  • Attributes: max_length=60
  • Description: Stores the hashed password of the user.


  • Type: VarCharField
  • Attributes: max_length=100, nullable=True
  • Description: Stores a unique token for the user, used for authentication.



  • Type: bool
  • Description: Returns True if the user is authenticated, otherwise False.


set_password(password: str)

  • Parameters: password (str) - the password to hash and store.
  • Description: Hashes the given password and stores it in the password_hash attribute.

check_password(password: str) -> bool

  • Parameters: password (str) - the password to verify.
  • Returns: bool - True if the password matches the stored hash, otherwise False.
  • Description: Verifies if the provided plain-text password matches the hashed password stored in the password_hash attribute.


  • Parameters: length (int, optional) - the length of the token (default is 32).
  • Returns: str - a URL-safe token.
  • Description: Generates a URL-safe token of the specified length.


  • Description: Overrides the base save method. Before saving, it ensures that a unique token is set if it hasn't been already. Calls the super().save() method to perform the actual save operation.

Usage Example

Here's a quick example of how you might use the User class:

from your_module import User

# Create a new user
new_user = User(username='john_doe', email='john@example.com')

# Check if the user is authenticated
print(new_user.is_authenticated)  # True

# Verify password
if new_user.check_password('super_secure_password'):
    print("Password is correct!")
    print("Incorrect password.")